WP 8: Computing and Data Access

Work package led by BSC


WP 8 Computing and Data Access [led by BSC]- is devoted to realizing the model for computing and data access for ET, including: the definition of the workflow, the estimation of the required resources, the design of the online Tier-0 data center, and the clarification of the policy for the storage and the access to the ET data on all relevant time scales, respecting the EU policies on open data.

To a very large extent, the work relies on existing efforts in the ET Collaboration, and also counts with the presence of experts from large computing centers with long experience on massive computing demanding challenges.

N. Tonello (BSC) and A. Stahl (Aachen) act as co-coordinators of WP8 in this proposal.


  • D8.1: Computing and Data Requirements (M18)
  • D8.2: Computing and Data Model (M42)
  • D8.3: Data Access Implementation Guidelines (M47)

Nadia Tonello

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)


Achim Stahl

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)