WP 3: Financial Architecture

Work package led by UCL


WP3 - Financial Architecture [led by UCL]- has the mandate to investigate all aspects of the funding architecture required to ensure the construction, operation, and eventual decommissioning of ET with different alternatives in construction and legal settings; to identify risks (price, time, technological, legal, etc.); to define guidelines with a fair sharing of costs and scientific, industrial and socio-economic returns among all participating parties in the ET consortium; and to set a strong financial model and a common tool for all financial data.

In the framework of ET-PP, the main objective is to prepare the financial items of a signature-ready contract to commonly fund and build ET.

Ch. Arina (U. Louvain), T. Berghöfer (DESY), and V. Buccheri (INFN) act as co-coordinators of WP3 in this proposal.


  • D3.1 Handbook for design and construction phase (M36);
  • D3.2 Handbook for operation phase (M42);
  • D3.3 Financial plan and Scenario analysis (M47)

Thomas Berghoefer

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)


Chiara Arina

Universite Catholique De Louvain (UCL)


Veronica Buccheri

Istituto Nazionale Di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)