WP 1: Management and Coordination

Work package led by IFAE


WP1 - Management and Coordination [led by IFAE] - is responsible for the global management and coordination of the WP activities within ET-PP, with the aim to guarantee an adequate use of the resources, and to facilitate a continuous and strong coordination across WPs and technical activities, by applying a transparent transfer-of-knowledge and information policy.

In addition, WP1 is responsible for the ET-PP administrative activities including regular reports and the follow-up of financial execution, and will contribute globally to increase the social awareness of the ET project.

M. Martinez (IFAE) acts as IP and coordinator of the ET-PP project, under the responsibility of the ET Project Directorate, in charge of the birth of the ET RI.


  • D1.1 Dissemination & Exploitation (D&E) Plan (M6)
  • D1.2 Data Management (D&M) Plan (M6)

Mario Martínez

Institut de Física d'Altes Energies (IFAE)