ET Preparatory Phase Project
ET Preparatory Phase Project
Principal Investigators
Work package Leaders
Work Packages
WP 1: Management and Coordination
WP 2: Organization, Governance and Legal Aspects
WP 3: Financial Architecture
WP 4: Site Preparation
WP 5: Project Office & Engineering Department
WP 6: Technical Design
WP 7: Innovation and Industrial Engagement
WP 8: Computing and Data Access
WP 9: Sustainable Development Strategy
WP 10: Communication & Outreach
Deliverables & Milestones
ET Logos
News & Events
Open Positions
ET-PP events
Event: ET-PP INFRA-DEV Annual Meeting
The ET-PP INFRA-DEV Annual Meeting will be held from 12th to 13th June 2023 in Barcelona, hosted by the the Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (IFAE). The venue is the UPF (School of Management) Campus in Barcelona city centre. The coordinators of the different ET-PP work packages, the coordinators of the ET boards, and the members of the ET governing boards and other ET key actors will meet to report on the status of the ET-PP activities and define the plan for the following months.
Jun 12, 2023 — Jun 13, 2023
UPF School of Management - Barcelona
Event: ET-PP INFRA-DEV Kick-off Meeting
The ET-PP INFRA-DEV Kick-off Meeting will be held from 19th to 20th July 2022 in Barcelona, hosted by the the Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (IFAE). The venue is the Hotel Campus Barcelona, located on the UAB campus in Bellaterra, 25 km north of the Barcelona city centre.
Jul 19, 2022 — Jul 20, 2022
Campus UAB Barcelona